La Voix January 2022
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Introducing New Sponsor: Caffe Luxxe
City of Santa Monica decision may force Tri Fit to close outdoor facilities
La Grange CX rocks Santa Cross
The La Grange CX squad is having lots of fun and posting some impressive results. Warren Sutton and Sam Selfridge have won several podiums and Team LG is currently in second place in the So Cal Prestige Series competition. Great job, team.
Photos by Cara and Dan
New Race Captains for 2022
The success and longevity of Velo Club La Grange have always been due to the passion and commitment of its volunteers. The tireless work of these folks brings boundless energy and dynamism to the club. Therefore, we are proud to announce our race captains for 2022. These fine folks will lead our race, training, and race support efforts throughout the coming year.
Women’s Road: Arielle Miller, Renee Hagen, and Martina Blumenthal
Men’s Road: Bill Barker and Jonathan Rios
Track: Morgan James
CX Cross: Cara Applegate
MTB: Dan Funk
Please thank them for stepping up and come out and support La Grange Racing!!
VCLG proudly welcomes new sponsor,
Caffe Luxxe!
Velo Club La Grange is very excited to announce a new partner for 2022: artisan coffee roasters, Caffe Luxxe. With 7 locations from Montecito to Long Beach, Caffe Luxxe is the perfect complement to La Grange. Not only do they have great coffee and a number of pick-me-up spots, but Caffe Luxxe is also extremely bike-friendly and, like La Grange, is dedicated to community and delivering a rich experience to all who come by. We are stoked about the cool events and experiences we can create with Caffe Luxxe and look forward to an exciting 2022! Drop by a Luxxe location today and say “hello”.
— Our 2022 Club Sponsors —
We are so proud to partner with such wonderful people; organizations that share La Grange’s mission of development, inclusion, and community in cycling. Please continue to support our generous sponsors:
TriFit facing outdoor gym closure by SM City
Longtime La Grange sponsor has been dramatically affected by COVID. They have endured months of closures with no revenue and incurred added costs with enhanced safety protocols. Like many businesses, they adapted to stay afloat and keep their members and staff healthy! One way they did this was to create an outdoor exercise and class space. This costly endeavor was very well received by their membership and TriFIt pushed forward. Now through some machinations in Santa Monica City regulations, TriFit may have to close this coveted outdoor space, restricting their ability to do business safely, and wasting tens of thousands of dollars in the process…
Zwift Academy finds the next pro cyclists
Our friends at Zwift and GCN have set forth to find the next pro cycling superstar. Can an average Joe or Joan become the next pro cycling superstars?
Support Our Sponsors
Canyon Bikes
What do Velo Club La Grange, Mathieu Van der Poel, Peter Stetina, Team Movistar, and St. Augustine University all have in common? Canyon Bikes. They have had an exciting year! Check it out!
See their 2021 Year in Review!
Cannon Engineering
Velo Club La Grange is grateful for the continued support of Cannon, a multi-disciplinary engineering company. They were recently recognized as one of the best places to work on the Central Coast.
Read More.
New and Returning Members
Please welcome our new members who joined in December 2021!
New members: Jeff D., Carter B., and Megan Y.
Welcome, everyone! We are happy to have you.
LG Event Calendar for January
This calendar is where you’ll find all of our upcoming events IN ONE PLACE. You’ll find both LG On-Bike and Off-Bike events as well as non-LG events. Check it out and bookmark it! Here is the schedule for January.
January 6th – Nutrition Zoom with Skratch Labs
January 12th – The January LG Board Meeting
January 15-16th – CACX Weekend (Woodland Hills)
January 29th – LG50 Ride
Have an event you would like to add? Send a request to Sam at