La Voix February 2022
Click on a blue link to go to that section of La Voix
RACE REPORT: The LA Tourist RIde
New Race Captain does the 2022 AIDS/LifeCycle
La Grange participates in UCLA Blood Drive
NEW SPONSOR: Welcome PKRS Adaptive Custom Training
SPONSOR UPDATE: Bike Improve, VeloFix, and Skratch
The 2022 LG Membership Cards are here!
PHOTOS: Diversity in Cycling at the All-Clubs Black-Tie Gala
VIDEO: Canyon Bikes rides LA #lasucksforcycling
LISTEN: Watching the Tour de France for the Architecture
RACE REPORT: The LA Tourist Race
"Don't ask me, I'm not from around here" is the standard line a tourist might hear upon asking for directions, and the motto emblazoned across the original LA Tourist Race Champions' jersey. On January 15, 2022, seven La Grangers headed East to the first edition (of three) of 2022's self-supported, self-navigated race. These riders ventured out from Let's Ride Cyclery on a treasure hunt for a few GPS locations, where they would search for unknown books whose sole purpose of the day was to be torn apart, sacrifices on the altar of completion. The quest was fraught with peril, requiring the navigation of normal LA city traffic, fire roads, downed trees, Sasquatch, loose, rocky single track carved into the side of a mountain, river crossings, and potentially much more. First, the riders dove into the wilds of Griffith Park, contemplating the treasure hunt above the tidy rocks of a labyrinth. Next, they ascended the steep slopes of Cherry Canyon, where riders of varying groups converged for the next pages in their quest. At the bottom of the canyon, a decision was made - a few brave souls headed out to the steep and rocky slopes of Mt. Lowe, while others shortened the route and headed into the steeply graded fire roads of the Verdugos. No LaGrange champions were crowned, but everyone went home feeling like conquerors of themselves, and tourists in their own town. New roads were traversed, friendships solidified, and challenges ranging from 4600 ft (3.5 hrs ride time) to 8800 ft of climbing (6 hrs ride time) were endured. The next Tourist Race is on February 19!
Story by Cara Applegate; Photos by Dan Funk
New Race Captain does the 2022 AIDS/LifeCycle
This June Renée Hagen, one of our women's road race captains, will participate in AIDS/LifeCycle, an epic 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise funds for HIV-AIDS prevention. Representing VC La Grange, Renée will be riding with the Riderdykes, a team of 20+ women and non-binary persons.
In Los Angeles county alone about 50,000 people are currently living with HIV, and HIV disproportionately affects black and Latino people in the LGBT community. Renée's goal is to raise $5000. This money will be used by the SF AIDS Foundation and the LA LGBT Center towards counseling, HIV/STI screenings, linking youth experiencing homelessness and people living with HIV to housing, and so much more. Please consider making a donation at! You can come to cheer Renée and the Riderdykes when they arrive in LA on June 11th.
La Grange hosts Lifesaver Blood Drive with UCLA
Velo Club La Grange is proud to partner with the UCLA Blood and Platelet Center on behalf of the Lifesaver program. We will be hosting a blood drive at the Westwood Village Donor Center and Ackerman Student Union Donor Center from February 1st (Tuesday) through February 7th (Monday). In addition to this blood drive, club members will have the opportunity to donate year-round through the club with our unique QR Code. To schedule an appointment for our blood drive from February 1st - 7th, simply scan the QR code on the flyer. Make sure to save this flyer so you can scan the QR code to make appointments for donations throughout the year!
NEW SPONSOR: PKRS Adaptive Custom Training
Velo Club La Grange is very excited to announce a new partner for 2022: PKRS (pronounced "Peakers"), is an adaptive custom training system developed by world-class cycling coach, Gareth Thomas.
“At PKRS.AI we are cycling addicts. Every July, the Tour de France plummets our work productivity to zero as we watch the gladiators on bikes traverse the Alps and Pyrenees. We know your sport, love doing it ourselves, and can help you hit a level of performance you never previously dreamed was possible. It doesn’t matter if you want to race on the road, dirt, or gravel, or just ride to be the best possible, PKRS.AI can slash your learning curve and make your cycling experience more fulfilling than ever. Let us help you to hit your peak potential.”
A membership with PKRS.AI offers:
* A custom & complete training program that adapts to YOUR needs on a daily basis
* All programs include cycling, strength training, mindset development, recovery modalities, and daily nutrition plans.
* SmartWatch Compatible
Check out our Member Benefits Page for full benefit details. (Member Access Only)
Bike Improve, VeloFix, and Skratch
Velo Club La Grange is proud to have both Bike Improve and VeloFix with us for 2022. Bike Improve is your source for all things bikes plus Nir is a bike service master, specializing in wheels, suspension forks, and hydraulic systems. VeloFix is like bringing the “service course” to your home. Every VeloFix truck is stocked with bike basics or bring your own. Velofix will deliver expert service right to your door. Check out the new and improved deals for both on the Member Benefits Page for full benefit details.
Sadly, our partnership with Skratch ends at the end of February. We are very grateful for their generous support of VCLG. We love their products and philosophy. Be sure to get your one-time discount of 25% OFF before this deal ends. Contact Jaycee for details.
The 2022 LG Membership Cards are here!
Hey members, your 2022 La Grange Membership Cards are here. You will need them to get your members discounts at Caffe Luxxe, Velofix, Bike Improve, and others. Don't leave home without one. Pick your up at BIke Improve today! Your ride leaders will also have some on hand; Ask President Jan, Marco Fantone, or Jaycee Cary if you see them.
Diversity in Cycling at the All-Clubs Black-Tie Gala
All Clubs LA strives to make cycling a more diverse and inclusive community for all. In this spirit, They held their new year's Black-Tie Gala last week. Featuring speakers, live music, and diverse riders from across the nation, All Clubs LA celebrated what makes our cycling community so wonderful. Throughout the year, expect to see more rides and events promoting diversity with All Clubs LA. I invite all La Grange members to join in the fun!
There are many more pictures. See them all here…
Canyon Bikes rides LA #lasucksforcycling
Inside the Video
Wanna ride the trails in the video? takes you inside this Canyon shoot with maps, photos, and bike specs. Get some!
Watching the Tour de France for the Architecture
The popular podcast, 99 PERCENT INVISIBLE, visits the spectacle of the Tour de France and speaks with Phil Liggett about his working with Paul Sherwin and how they came to talk about the Architecture and Points of Interest during their Tour de France broadcasts.
Support Our Sponsors
Rudy Project
VCLG is proud to continue our partnership with Rudy Project. RP's commitment to quality and innovation is featured in the pro peloton with Bahrain Victorious and Human Powered Health Women's Cycling.
Read about RP and Paris Roubaix Femmes!
Apex Law
Long-time LG member, Tom Fitzgibbon at Apex Law is your go-to resource for your trickiest legal issues. Tom's experience and professionalism ensure every client is given the best legal representation.
Read More.
New and Returning Members
Please welcome our new members who joined in December 2021!
New members: Nada D., Adam S., Edward DLR., Carter B., and Christopher A.
Also please welcome Junior member, AJ T.
Welcome, everyone! We are happy to have you.
LG Event Calendar for February
This calendar is where you’ll find all of our upcoming events IN ONE PLACE. You’ll find both LG On-Bike and Off-Bike events as well as non-LG events. Check it out and bookmark it! Here is the schedule for February. Bold events are LG Team Targeted Events.
February 6th – CBR Carson Criterium Series 2 of 6
February 9th – LG Board Meeting
February 13th – Roger Millikan Memorial Criterium
February 19th – UCLA Devil's Punchbowl Road Race (Pearblossom)
February 20th – UCLA Grand Prix (Victorville)
February 26th – LG50 Ride
February 27th – Rosena Ranch Circuit Race
Have an event you would like to add? Send a request to Sam at