2025 Board of Directors

Marco Fantone and Velo Club La Grange came together in 1997 as the result of a skiing accident and group rides haven’t been the same since! A member of the La Grange Board of Directors since 2001, Marco served as club president from 2009-2012. Alway…

Marco Fantone and Velo Club La Grange came together in 1997 as the result of a skiing accident and group rides haven’t been the same since! A member of the La Grange Board of Directors since 2001, Marco served as club president from 2009-2012. Always one to sweat the details, Marco has consistently been involved in the design of club clothing and is the organizing force behind La Grange’s favorite in-club competition; The La Grange Cup. Through the years, Marco has also become the un-official club historian, maintaining years of photography and caring for decades of club jerseys.. When he’s not making contributions to his ad agency, you can find this ex-Cat 2 racer mixing it up on the weekly club rides.
Contact Marco

Marco Fantone, Director

Meet Renée Fox, who discovered La Grange in 2018 through the World Famous Nichols Canyon Ride. She fell in love with LG spirit and its locally epic ride. Renée is honored to help envision the next phase of LG by serving to promote the voices of members. Renée started cycling in 2013. She enjoys the beauty of athleticism, the social aspect of competition and wants other members to experience how LG and our sponsors empower members to have a home for shared adventure. Renée is a full time artist, with well known public works in sites such as LAX and UCLA Olive View Restorative Care Village. She is founder and president of Inglewood Open Studios, and a painting and drawing professor at Otis College. She lives in Inglewood with her partner, David Newcombe, and her favorite ever, her terrier, John Fox. 
Contact Renée

Renée Fox, Director

Joining La Grange’s Board for Deb is all about camaraderie and community. (and bringing a little more “girl power” to the board) She specializes in coaching physically challenged and visually impaired athletes, women, beginners and athletes of all ages.  Deb’s passion for cycling and multisport extends far beyond the finish line, to a personal and professional mission of helping people get into the cycling and multisport community.

Deb is the owner of Elevate Parasport & Multisport Coaching. She is the only full-time certified Paratriathlon Coach north of San Diego and one of only a handful in the nation — she is the Coordinator of Parathletes at the LA Marathon, Rosebowl ½ Marathon, coaches for Challenged Athletes Foundation and other nonprofits as well as coaches at the USOPC all over the country for USATriathlon & Paratriathlon.  She was recently honored with Coach of the Year-Community Impact from USATriathlon.

When not riding her bike, in her “spare time”  Deb is deeply involved with various charities, enjoys the arts, and museums, plus she skis, travels, hangs out on her boat and loves hanging with her nieces and nephews, whom she spoils rotten. (Because we all know that’s her REAL job!) Contact Deb

Deb Carabet, Director

I am a long time member of LaGrange who previously served on the board, has raced my son through our former, FlightSchool Jr. Race program and dabble in Cyclocross racing myself. Topics I think important for the board to consider is how to place the club on sure footing as the membership profile changes, member engagement (fun), and safety. While holding onto our race heritage, I believe we need to broaden the definition of that to be more supportive of goal oriented cycling to bring in those who may not be ready or interested in entering the traditional USCF competitions. This diversity as well as diversity of standard demographics will make LaGrange a better value for potential sponsors and stronger club. Contact Larry

Larry Goodman, President

Tara is passionate about increasing female representation within Velo Club La Grange and fostering a welcoming environment for women of all ages. Cycling has become a central part of her life, and through La Grange, she has found not just a sport but a supportive community. Tara is eager to give back by organizing women’s initiatives, social events, and gravel initiatives along with club communication and engagement to strengthen bonds within the club. Contact Tara

Tara Kriese, Board Secretary

Colin moved to Santa Monica in 2012, he quickly found cycling as a way to engage with the community and enjoy all of the things Southern California has to offer. Cycling has helped Colin establish relationships, expunge much needed energy, improve focus, and have a positive impact on others. Colin is pretty good at computers, statistics, bike riding, programming, cooking, and SQL. Colin enjoys many things mechanical, technical, and analytical. The cycling community is important to Colin and helping others receive its benefits is a key driver for Colin's involvement. Contact Colin

Colin Rasor, Director

Dan Mitnick is a native California who besides a stent as a banana slug up in Santa Cruz has never lived more than a day's pedal from his place of birth in West LA. A current and lifelong cycling commuter there was a time in the early naughts when Dan did race for LA Grange. Having gotten that out of the system he still enjoys a long Saturday ride and a good climb in the Santa Monica's or the San Gabriels. Defying logic and common sense and despite now decades of traversing mountain roads not only has he gotten slower going up, as to be expected, his skill at descending has gotten correspondingly worse. Having join LaGrange almost a quarter century ago Dan has in the meantime conspired to raise two adult daughters and before year's end should have a granddaughter. What he lacks in skill on two wheels he makes up for enthusiasm. From his home in Venice Dan has bike to social events as far north as solvang and as far south to San Diego and even cycles to LAX. Essentially. As a commuter who rides to the rides a cell phone is always handy and you may notice this sporadically awkward rider taking photos Dan is of the mind that those who know how to ride well, do ,and those who can't take pictures. Contact Dan

Daniel Mitnick, Director

Daniel joined LaGrange in 2007 so he would get timed on the Piuma Hill Climb. That has been an annual goal to test his fitness, but along the way he’s come to enjoy the fellowship of many a La Granger plus learn the joy of riding road, and in the past few years, dirt. In his mind the club and its many members are admirable advocates of cycling not only on the Westside but throughout SoCal and he’s proud to be of service as a Board member. Always feel free to reach out to him and join him for a ride!
Contact Daniel

Daniel Funk, Director

Amanda discovered Velo Club LaGrange while training to ride in honor of her brother in the Police Unity Tour, a 3-day bike ride to remember police officers who have died in the line of duty. What started off as a way to process a huge loss has become a joyful way of life. Amanda mostly rides in the Santa Monica Mountains, the San Gabriels, or along the beach. She lives in Westwood with her husband Nicky.

If you are new to the club and excited to share in the camaraderie and adventure of cycling, feel free to contact Amanda (or any of our Board) with questions about how to get started with LaGrange — we have rides for all different types of riders!
Contact Amanda

Amanda Beesley Weinstock, Director