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21st Annual Meal-on-Wheels Donation Drive and RIde
Father & Son Are State Champions Again!
CX is Back at the Turkey Trot Cross!
Photos by Katie Rollins and @thecyclingtherapist
The Annual LG Awards Banquet
— The Grand Prize Winners —
A Huge Thank you Mallorca Luxury Cycling, Canyon Bicycles, and Nir Wheels!
— The Award Winners —
Most Improved Male Rider - Tanc Sade
Outstanding Volunteer - Frank Whitelock
Most Focused Rider - Nick Gillock
Best Female Racer - Taisha Walker
Best Male Racer - Yi Sun
— The Party —
Photos by Robert Yates, Shauna Howard, Ellen Shinogle, Garnett Whitmire III, Marco Fantone, and Rachel Noonan.
52 Years of Velo Club La Grange
Video by Ellen Shinogle
The 21st Meals-on-Wheels Thanksgiving Ride
Photos by Dan Mitnick, and Jaycee Cary
Well, we gave it our best shot. For the first time in two years, we had a Thanksgiving MOW Ride, But, as Bill B. predicted, the wind was just too much.
We had a solid group of riders leaving at SVO. The winds were strong on PCH but dramatically changed as we reached Mt. Pepperdine. After watching multiple people stop, get blown almost into traffic or each other, Ride Leader Tina Grant called the ride officially over. Safety first. She told folks they could continue on if they wanted to but that she would be turning back around. She had a group of about 25 people head back to SVO with her and collected people along the way.
Jaycee and Deb Carabet set up a windy SAG stop at Zuma and got our exercise chasing errant items across the parking lot. Frank Whitelock was our sole visitor. Other than the gale force breeze, it was a beautiful and grateful day.
We raised an amazing $1800 for Meals-on-Wheels. Thank you so much to everyone who donated. This money really helps those in need in our community.
Special thanks to Ellen Horwitz from MOW-WLA, Tina Grant, and Deb Carabet for making the day a success!
“Riding a Wheel”: Westside Cycling History
From Cheviot Hills History
At the end of the Nineteenth Century, in the heyday of what historian Luthor Ingersoll called "cycle fever," it seemed that everybody was "riding a wheel" in West Los Angeles.
"During the rage of the cycling fever, the annual road race on July 4th was the leading event of the year for bicycle racers. On those days Santa Monica was crowded with dusty, sweating, red-faced youths, in the most abbreviated of clothes and with the most enthusiastic of yells, greeting each man as he pedaled into view.”
La Grange member and local amateur historian, Jonathan Weiss, tells the story of when the west side of Los Angeles was a hotbed of bike and bike racing. It even attracted a young Frenchman who started a bike club there.
Support Our Sponsors
LEE ZIFF Real Estate
Lee is not only a long-time La Granger and sponsor, but he is one of the top real estate agents in the country. No home is too large or small and you always get Lee’s outstanding service, reputation, and commitment to quality.
Visit his website!
Gentle Jaw
An easy-to-use, non-invasive passive stretching device for acute and chronic jaw and TMJ pain. No drugs, no prescriptions, no exams required. Try it today for 30-days risk-free. All you have to lose is pain.
See website for details.
New and Returning Members
Please welcome our new members who joined in November 2021!
New members: Olivia C., Carolyn C., Craig M., Kyle B., Daniel M., and the family of Marco M!
A hearty welcome back to returning members: Roger H. and Hamid N.
And please welcome our new UCLA Collegiate members:
Addison S.
Alex C.
Antoine U.
Bill C.
Chris A.
Christian H.
Connor P.
Dennis G.
Deryne S.
Emmett C.
Enrique O.
Evan G.
Julia B.
Lizz J.
Max E.
Nicole S.
Thomas S.
Will S.
William L.
Yung-Pei K.
Dong L.
Slava G.
Welcome, everyone! We are happy to have you.
LG Event Calendar for December
This calendar is where you’ll find all of our upcoming events IN ONE PLACE. You’ll find both LG On-Bike and Off-Bike events as well as non-LG events. Check it out and bookmark it! Here is the schedule for December!
December 8 – The December LG Board Meeting
December 17 – Santa Cross Weekend
No LG50 Ride in December
Have an event you would like to add? Send a request to Sam at