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ON SALE NOW: Get your Nichols Ride Kit
La Grange proudly supports Los Angeles Bike Academy
Women’s Race Team on the Road!
Get your bike back: Bike Index® really works!
Join the 2021 Club Photo “COVID-Style”
ON SALE NOW: Get your Nichols Kit!
The stores for the World Famous Nichols Ride and the 2021 Velo Club La Grange kits are now open. The Nichols Kit is 100% pure Nichols with the exception of Raymond's signature, which is part of every kit the club produces to honor Raymond. The club is donating a portion of the proceeds of the Nichols kit sales to the Los Angeles Bicycling Academy (LABA), which is a youth education program, community bike shop and youth cycling team with a mission to empower, educate and develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills in boys and girls between the ages of 8-18. You can learn more about LABA at
The stores for both kits close at 11:59 pm on Wednesday, April 7th. We have not offered a Nichols kit for over 5 years so buy multiple kits since it might not be offered for another several years. Many thanks to Richard Bess for his time and dedication in creating a truly unique design and to the VieƐƖ team led by Gary and Theresa Ryan.
To place an order for the World Famous Nichols kit and accessories, please visit, which you are encouraged to share with anyone who has ridden or will ride the World Famous Nichols Ride.
To place an order for the 2021 Velo La Grange kit and accessories, please visit. This is for La Grange members only.
A Heartfelt Thanks to all of our Designers
We are so grateful that people love the Nichols RIde enough to take the time and energy to submit designs. They were all awesome and like the best bike races, the competition was tight to the finish!
Nikki Di Falco
Drew Cornelius
Jenny Scott
Gary Schechner
Richard Bess
La Grange proudly supports Los Angeles Bike Academy (LABA)
At this time, La Grange does not have a Junior development race team yet supporting the next generation of bike races has always been a fundamental mission of VCLG. This is why we are proud to support the young men and women of Los Angeles Bike Academy. They are a race team that provides bike mechanic training, mentorship, and free bike services at farmer’s markets throughout underserved areas of Los Angeles. Velo Club La Grange facilitated the purchase of a Park Tool Professional Tool Kit. With this kit, they will have everything they need to perform even the most demanding bike service for years to come. We hope this helps LABA in its commitment to these impressive young people.
Women’s Race Team on the Road!

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of joining several members of La Grange’s illustrious Women’s racing team. On a bright and early Sunday, me and La Granger, UCLA race captain, and photographer extraordinaire, Alan Kwok met the team at SVO. After presenting a few team helmets, sunglasses, bottles, and nutrition from our partners at @rudyprojectna and @skratchlabs, we set out in the LG van to shoot these ladies on the road. In the coming months, we will be releasing more photos, videos, and introducing both the men’s and women’s racing squads. In the meantime, enjoy a few shots we took that day. - Ed.
The LG Cup is Back IRL for 2021!
As of now, RACING IS BACK with the LG Cup. That’s right… the LG Cup is on the schedule and the dates are locked, so get those race legs together and wear those masks. To get you excited, here’s a little video of the ladies storming Piuma. Let’s race!
LG Cup #1: Trancas TT (July 10th)
LG Cup #2: 500M Sprint @ Encino Velodrome (August 8th)
LG Cup #3: Piuma Hillclimb (September 25th)
Bike Index® really works!
Bikes are expensive! What do you do if your bike gets stolen? Post on Facebook? Check Craigslist? Roam the streets looking for it? Try, a FREE Lifetime service that helps you register your bike, alerts the community, including bike shops, if your bike is stolen, and helps you get your bike back.
Sign up for FREE here and read the stories. Bike Index works!
Join the 2021 Club Photo “COVID-Style”
You don’t have to look as cool as Tommy and Katie!
We want you in our 2021 group photo! We plan on publishing our group photo this month. Just send us a selfie or a photo of yourself like the one above. Below are some guidelines to get the best, most uniform shot.
Wear the latest VIE13 club jersey. If you don’t have one, wear the last “Porsche” jersey or the LG50 jersey. NO sunglasses or helmets, please.
Crop your photo from the waist up, leaving plenty of background showing. Don’t crop too tight.
Use a light-colored background with no distracting details. e.g. plain white walls or a blue sky with no trees or obstructions.
Shoot in good light. Don’t shoot in the dark or with a flash.
Send a JPG or PNG file. Provide the best quality photos you can, but quality cellphone photos are fine.
SOS: Support Our Sponsors: Rudy Project
Does your helmet need replacing?
Is your helmet 5 years old or older? Have you ever dropped your helmet, accidentally smacked it on a wall or your car, or scuffed it up while traveling? Then it may need replacing. Check out Rudy Project’s article on helmet safety.
New Members
Please welcome our new members who joined in March 2021!
Brian N, Rachel N, Tom M, Harris D, Deborah C, Prescott R, Tanc S, and Pierre B! Also a hearty welcome back to returning members, Ally D. and Steve M!
Welcome, everyone! We are happy to have you.